Clearing of approximately 570 hectares of native vegetation for pine and sandalwood on Lot 7778 Wannamal South Road, Wannamal
Clearing of approximately 180 hectares of native vegetation for agriculture: Lots 2 3 Victoria Locations 7967, 6686, 7979 10446, 25 km north west of Binnu, Shire of Northampton
Clearing of approximately 1128 hectares of native vegetation for agriculture Victoria Location 10877 corner of Garibaldi-Willis and Willmott Roads, Coorow
Clearing of approximately 1000 hectares of native vegetation Kent Location 1664, corner Lake Magenta and Reserve Roads, Shire of Jerramungup
Various Commercial Purposes Developments - Lot 616, Lot 1221 and Port Drive Road Reserve, within Port of Broome