The Shire of Toodyay proposes to replace its existing scheme 4 with an updated scheme 5.
The purpose of Amendment No. 88 is to rezone Lot 7, 106 Guildford Road, Maylands from 'Service Station' to 'Medium and High Density Residential' with the R50 density code, amend Schedule 10 to introduce a new Special Control Area (SCA) and associated development provisions covering Lot 7, 106 Guildford Road, Lot 8, 4 and Lot 5, 6 Third Avenue East, Maylands and amend the Scheme Map accordingly.
Amendment 181 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 Great Northern,
Highway Bullsbrook from 'General Rural' to 'Residential Development'; rezone a portion of Lot 1 Vale Road,
Hazelmere from 'Rural Residential' to 'Light Industrial' with 'Restricted Use'; and rezone a portion of Lot 100
Weir Road, Malaga from Regional Reserve 'Public Purposes' to 'Industrial Development'.
Transfer of zones and reserves within the City's former Town Planning Scheme 1A into the
existing contemporary Local Planning Scheme 1. No changes to zones or reserves are proposed
in the amendment.
Review of scheme No. 2 with changes to the scheme text and maps.
The Town of Port Hedland proposes to rezone land generally bound by Styles Road (south), Pretty Pool Creek (north), Cooke Point Drive (west) and existing single residential housing in the Pretty Pool residential area (east) from "Rural", "Parks and Recreation" and "Other Public Purpose - Energy" to "Urban Development".
The Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley (SWEK) proposes to introduce Local Planning Scheme No. 9 to replace the existing Town Planning Schemes No. 6 and No. 7.
Modifications to the Zoning Table for the Land Uses 'Home Business', 'Chalets (Short Term Accommodation)' and 'Restaurant'.