Amendment 3 proposes to modify the land use permissibility of ‘Caravan Park’ and ‘Residential –Grouped Dwelling’ within the ‘Rural/Mining’ zone to discretionary (‘D’) uses. The amendmentalso proposes to insert additional uses for ‘Hosted Accommodation’, ‘Holiday Apartment’,‘Holiday House’, ‘Holiday Unit’, ‘Serviced Apartment’, ‘Short-term Accommodation’ and‘Tourist Development’ to the permissibility table. The proposed amendment is to provide forincreased flexibility in the types of tourism accommodation available within the Shire.
Amendment 3 proposes to rezone Lots 1, 101, 112 and 220 Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth from the ‘General Industry’ zone to the ‘Special Use’ zone to facilitate tourism and related uses; delete Additional Use 4A from Schedule 2; include additional provision within Schedule 4 and amend scheme maps accordingly.
Amendment 182 proposes to rezone Lots 151 & 152 Mandurah Road, Baldivis from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Rural’ and ‘Special Residential’. Inclusion of the lots in the Schedules 4 and 5 of the Town Planning Scheme is also proposed. The proposed rezoning is to facilitate future subdivision and development of the lots for low density residential land use.
Amendment 8 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 505 from the ‘Light Industry’ zone to the ‘Rural’ zone and introduce an additional use of ‘Industry’ to the adjacent portion of Lot 505 to permit development which is limited to a power generation facility and ancillary infrastructure. The proposed amendment is to allow for future renewable and thermal power supply to provide for Exmouth’s future power needs.
The Shire of Derby West Kimberley proposes to replace its existing planning schemes with LPS 9, which is consistent with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and aligns with the Shire of Derby West Kimberley Local Planning Strategy.
Amendment 10 proposes to modify and replace existing provisions within the City of Vincent’s Local Planning Scheme 2, including changing the land use permissibility table for ‘Caretakers’ dwellings’ and rezoning Lots 9 & 100 Haynes Street, North Perth from ‘Residential’ to ‘Public Open Space’.
Amendment 161 proposes to rezone various landholdings on Hoffman Road, Mandogalup from ‘Rural A’ zone to the ‘Development ‘zone.
Amendment 159 proposes to rezone various landholdings on Rowley Road, Mandogalup from ‘Rural A’ zone to the ‘Development ‘zone.
Amendment 205 proposes to rezone Lot 2 Harold Douglas Drive and part Lot 185 Venn Road,
Dardanup West to facilitate subdivision and development. The amendment also proposes to
introduce additional requirements for ‘Area 19 Dardanup Park’ to Appendix VIII in the scheme
Amendment 6 proposes to update the Shire of Cuballing Local Planning Scheme to provide for general consistency with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and facilitate efficiencies in local planning. The amendment proposes to modify and replace existing provisions, zonings, and the land use permissibility table, with updated scheme text.