Amendment 76 proposes to rezone Lot 500 from ‘General Agriculture’ to ‘Future Development’ zone; amend Schedule 11-Structure Plan Areas of the Scheme text and amend the Scheme Maps accordingly.
Amendment 1398/57 proposes to transfer approximately 1.3 hectares of land in Girrawheen from the ‘Public Purposes – High School’ reserve to the ‘Urban’ zone under the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The proposed ‘Urban’ zoning will facilitate the development of a community centre.
Amendment 183 proposes to rezone Lot 4 Fifty Road, Baldivis from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Rural’ and to insert the Lot in Special Rural Zone Schedule 4 of the Town Planning Scheme. The proposed rezoning is to facilitate future subdivision and development of a second residential lot at the proposal site.
The amendment is to rezone John Septimus Roe Anglican School (Lot 24 Beechboro Road, North and Lot 385 Blackboy Way, Beechboro) from ‘Private Clubs and Institutions’ to ‘Residential Development’.
Rezoning of part Lot 151 (part), Lot 152 and Lot 50 Raymond Road, Roelands from the Rural
Zone to Urban Deferred Zone in order to facilitate future urban development within the
Treendale Urban Expansion Area.
The amendment proposes to modify Clause 3.4, Table 4 of the Local Planning Scheme to add
Restaurant/Café as an additional use (discretionary use) and amend the Scheme Maps
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 621 Harlequin Street and Lot 1 South Coast Highway Denmark from Rural to Residential R20-R40; amend the scheme map accordingly and to modify the scheme text to include Structure Plan provisions for the amendment area.
The amendment proposes minor modifications to correct errors and omissions from the completion of Local Planning Scheme 12. The amendment also proposes to insert conditions at Schedule A – Item No. 26, to stipulate circumstances under which development approval is not required for the removal trees.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 106 (No. 88) Hale Road, Forrestfield from ‘Residential’, ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Public Purposes’ to ‘District Centre’. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the redevelopment of the subject site for use as an integrated health/community hub and show room, by consolidating the current zonings and permissible land uses.
Amendment 9 is an omnibus amendment that involves numerous textual and mapping changes
to the Scheme and Scheme Maps. The Amendment also introduces a new ‘Independent Living
Complex’ land use; amends the land use permissibility for a number of land uses; changes to
account for new development and acquisition of land for ‘Public Open Space’ and amends the
zoning and reservation of a number of land parcels and definitions in the Scheme to correct
minor anomalies and inconsistencies.