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Last updated: December 12, 2018
The proposal is to extend the existing Red Hill Quarry to the west (West Quarry Pit Extension Area A) and north-west (West Quarry Pit Extension Area B) of the current pit, and extend the existing stockpile and dispatch area, and install a quaternary crusher. Read more...Last updated: December 12, 2018
The proposal is to construct and operate a dual carriageway road from the current terminus of Roe Highway at Kwinana Freeway in Jandakot to Stock Road in Coolbellup., Note:, The decision of the Supreme Court of Western Australia in, Save Beeliar Wetlands (Inc) and Anor v. Jacob, [2015] WASC 482 was overturned by the Court of Appeal on Friday 15 July 2016 in, Access the Court of Appeal decision, Jacob v Save Beeliar Wetlands (Inc), [2016] WASCA 126. The effect of the Court of Appeal decision is... Read more...Last updated: December 3, 2018
Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers Limited proposes to construct and operate a methanol plant with a production capacity of approximately 5,000 tonnes per day ( tpd ) on Site E within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) on the Burrup Peninsula. The proposal is adjacent to the Murujuga National Park. The proposal would result in the disturbance of approximately 75 hectares within Site E. Read more...Last updated: November 12, 2018
The proposal is to develop and operate an iron ore mine approximately 50 km west-northwest of Paraburdoo, Western Australia, a 20 km long gas pipeline corridor, and a 150 km long rail transport corridor that would connect the proposed mine to the West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Stage 1 infrastructure. Read more...Last updated: October 22, 2018
Kondinin Energy Pty Ltd is proposing to construct and operate up to 46 wind turbines, an accompanying 125 ha of solar farm, energy storage and associated infrastructure, approximately 5 kilometres north east of Kondinin, Western Australia. The proposal will be established encompassing parts all or part of 19 freehold rural lots comprising approximately 3,105 hectares. Read more...Last updated: October 15, 2018
Changes to conditions 3-1 and 3-2 of Ministerial Statement 772 in order to extend the Time Limit of Authorisation Read more...Last updated: July 25, 2018
Pardoo Beef Corporation Pty Ltd proposes to develop a centre-pivot irrigated feed crop production facility. Centre-pivot irrigation is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers. The proposal is approximately 100km east-northeast of Port Hedland and 365km south west of Broome. The proposal is for stage 3 and would include a total disturbance of 368 hectares development envelope. Read more...Last updated: July 16, 2018
The proposal is to construct and operate a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) and Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at the Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area, Port Hedland. The proposed facility would accept various wastes, recover materials that can be economically recycled via the MRF and convert suitable remaining waste to electrical power in a WtE plant. Read more...Last updated: June 11, 2018
The proposal is for the construction and operation of a technical ammonium nitrate production facility (TANPF) on Site D within the King Bay/Hearson Cove Industrial Estate on the Burrup Peninsula. The proposal is located approximately 13 kilometres north-west of Karratha. Read more...Last updated: May 14, 2018
Kimberley Ports Authority (KPA) is seeking to improve accessibility to the Port of Broome, situated in West Roebuck Bay, approximately 5 kilometres south west of the township of Broome. Larger vessels entering the Port, such as cruise ships, have limited access windows due to the large tidal range (10m), presence of channel rock and high spots (shoals) in the access channel. In recognition of the access constraints and the growing tourism industry in Broome, the Department of Primary Industries... Read more...Last updated: April 18, 2018
Gold Road Resources Limited propose to develop a gold mine know as the Gruyere Gold Project located approximately 200 km north-east of Laverton. The proposal includes clearing of no more than 2,260 ha of vegetation and groundwater dewatering for mining and processing. Read more...Last updated: April 9, 2018
City of Busselton proposes to construct a new route into Busselton. The proposal involves the development of a new two-lane road and bridge linking Causeway Road to Cammilleri Street, including a new bridge over the Vasse river. Disturbance associated with the proposal would include construction on the banks of the Vasse River and removal of 0.56 hectares of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2018
Griffin Power Pty Ltd, proposes to construct and operate a 200MW coal-fired power station known as the Bluewaters Power Station Phase II (Bluewaters II) adjacent to the proposed Bluewaters Power Station (Bluewaters I) on a site located approximately 4km north-east of Collie. It would be a subcritical coal-fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of up to 200MW. The Bluewaters II Power Station would supplement the Bluewaters I Power Station and supply electricity... Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2018
The Shire of Denmark proposes to extend the existing quarry and crush limesand within an A Class Parkland and Recreation Reserve vested in the Shire of Denmark. Read more...Last updated: November 24, 2017
Section 46 Change to Conditions withdrawn 24 November 2017. Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2017
The proposal is to subdivide Lot 21 Webster Road, Forrestfield into seven (7) industrial lots as documented in Schedule 1 of Ministerial Statement 841 . The Minister for Environment has requested that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) inquire into and report on the matter of changing the implementation conditions relating to the Industrial Subdivision of Lot 21 Webster Road Forrestfield proposal in order to extend the “Commencement and Time Limit of Approval” for substantial... Read more...Last updated: June 6, 2017
The proposal is to construct and operate a freeway-standard dual carriageway between the Reid Highway/Tonkin Highway junction and the Great Northern Highway at Muchea. Read more...Last updated: April 3, 2017
The Western Australian Planning Commission and the City of Armadale propose to develop a water-based recreation park incorporating an international rowing course and other facilities including a residential component on land situated on Lake Road in the City of Armadale. Read more...Last updated: March 22, 2017
Westralian Iron Pty Ltd proposes to develop three bulk sample pits at Koolanooka South (Figure 1). The project site is located approximately 20 kilometres (km) due east of Morawa and 370 km north of Perth. Bulk sampling is required to assist with future planning and design for the proposed development and to provide sufficient material for a test regime to fully understand the characteristics of the ore to enable an efficient Magnetite processing plant to be designed. The bulk sampling... Read more...