The Environmental Protection Authority has consistently emphasised the need to conserve wetland resources. While significant studies have been made in the south-west of Westem Australia, little is known of the inland surface waters of the semi-arid areas of the state, notably the Pilbara region.
For this reason, a study of inland waters of the Pilbara was initiated in 1983.
The results of the 1983 study have been published as 'Inland Waters of the Pilbara, Westem Australia, Part 1' (Masini, 1988).
This report concems the results of a second study conducted during October-November 1984, with the following objectives:
- To identify and document in terms of their important physical and biological characteristics, the wetlands of the Oakover-DeGrey catchments, with particular emphasis on Carawine Gorge, Skull Springs on the Davis River. Similarly, to survey wetlands along the Ashburton River and its catchment for inclusion in the data base for the Pilbara.
- To review the wetland classification system devised during the 1983 study to encompass the whole Pilbara region, once adequate data have been obtained.
- To carry out preliminary observations on the nutrient status of the wetlands of the Pilbara.
- To make further recommendations for future phases of the study.
Published Date:
January 31, 1989
Guidelines and procedures: