The purpose of this guideline is to communicate how the factor Greenhouse Gas Emissions is considered by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process.
When the original Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions (EFG-GHG) was published in April 2020, the EPA committed to a 12-month review to ensure the guidance remained contemporary.
In July 2021 the EPA commenced its review of the EFG-GHG and an 8-week public consultation of the draft revised guidelines ended on 21 September 2022.
During the consultation, 1088 submissions were received from the public, industry, peak bodies, government and non-government groups. On 3 February 2023, the EPA published a summary of public submissions and advice received.
On 5 April 2023 the EPA published its revised EFG-GHG.
Revised Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Guidelines (EFG-GHG)
The current guideline (April 2023):
- describes why the EPA has published the guideline
- describes how the guidelines are applied
- defines greenhouse gases (GHG) and describes the different scopes of emissions
- outlines the international and national framework
- describes how this factor links with other environmental factors
- outlines when the EPA may apply this guideline
- describes EIA considerations for this factor
- provides a summary of the information required by the EPA to undertake EIA related
- to this factor (including consideration of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions)
- provides the expected content of greenhouse gas environmental management plans (GHG EMP)
- outlines periodic public reporting requirements
- identifies issues commonly encountered by the EPA during EIA of this factor
- outlines the timeframes for reviewing this guideline.