The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is giving the community and stakeholders eight weeks to have their say on a proposal to construct up to 20 exploration and appraisal wells in the West Kimberley’s Canning Basin.
The Valhalla Gas Exploration and Appraisal Program was referred to the EPA in accordance with regulation 2C of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 which requires referral of all onshore oil and gas exploration and production proposals involving hydraulic fracture stimulation.
EPA deputy chair Lee McIntosh said the independent Authority was currently assessing Bennett Resources’ Valhalla proposal at the level of Public Environmental Review.
“As part of this environmental impact assessment, today the EPA has published the proponent’s environmental review document (ERD) for public consultation,” Ms McIntosh said. “This proposal has the potential to impact multiple environmental factors and had a high level of public interest at referral stage, so this public review is key to us ensuring a robust assessment process and achieving a good environmental outcome.
“This stage of the assessment indicates the EPA has declared the ERD available for consultation purposes. The next stage will be for the EPA to consider public submissions and any additional information from the proponent, and then we will move to reviewing whether the proposal has met the EPA’s environmental objectives and should be recommended for approval.”
The proposal is for an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371, about 120km south-east of Derby. It comprises the construction of up to 20 wells in a region that has been previously surveyed and explored for petroleum purposes and will require a disturbance footprint of 112ha.
The proposal before the EPA does not involve gas production. It is an exploration and appraisal program only. Should a commercially viable resource be identified, the proponent would be required seek additional approvals as required under both Federal and State Government legislation.
Ms McIntosh said the ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the development.
When the public consultation ends on 7 October 2024, the EPA will consider submissions and the proponent’s responses and then complete its assessment.
After the EPA publishes its recommendation, its report will be subject to a three-week public appeal period. The Minister for Environment will make the final decision on the proposal.
EPA Media Contact: 0434 734 997