A gold mine in the Great Victoria Desert region has been recommended for approval by the Environmental Protection Authority.
Gold Road Resources Limited’s Gruyere Gold Project, located on the Yamarna Pastoral Station approximately 150 kilometres northeast of Laverton, includes an open pit mine, tailings storage facility and waste dump.
EPA Chairman Dr Tom Hatton said the independent board assessed the potential impact of the proposal to two key environmental factors – Subterranean Fauna and Flora and Vegetation.
“In assessing this proposal, the EPA examined potential impacts to stygofauna habitat and species from the abstraction of groundwater from borefields and the direct impact of clearing 2,260 hectares of flora and vegetation,” Dr Hatton said.
“The EPA concluded the proposal was able to meet the EPA’s objectives and therefore recommended approval subject to a set of conditions.”
Dr Hatton said the conditions included the requirement to prepare and implement a Subterranean Fauna Management Plan to ensure groundwater abstraction is managed to protect the biodiversity and ecological integrity of subterranean fauna.
The EPA’s report to the Minister for Environment is now open for a two-week public appeal period, closing December 5, 2016. Appeals are administered independently by the Appeals Convenor and can be made at www.appealsconvenor.wa.gov.au
The Minister for Environment will make the final decision.
EPA Report 1587 is available at www.epa.wa.gov.au
Media Contact: Nadia Miraudo 0400 866 450