Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: City of SwanDescription: Amendment 217 proposes to amend the scheme maps to reclassify part of Lot 82 West Parade, South Guildford that was made unzoned by the gazettal of Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.1396/57 to ‘Special Use Zone No.24’, replace the current “Special Use Zone Precinct Map” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 with the revised Special Use Zone Precinct Map (changes relating to the above Lots), and update the current “Description of Land” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 Region: PerthLocal Government Authority: Swan, City ofLast updated: Monday, 21 August, 2023Current status: Decision on whether to assess has been published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Monday, 21 August, 2023Decision: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Scheme Amendment not to be assessed under Part IV of EP Act. Advice given (Not appealable)Extract of determination: City of Swan Local Planning Scheme 17 Amendment 217 (PDF, 110.94 KB)Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityInland WatersScheme advice: Swan - Advice - 210823.pdf (PDF, 261.38 KB)