The City of Armadale’s Amendment No 143 to Town Planning Scheme No 2 proposes to rezone Part Lot 449 Taylor Road and Lot 501 Oxley Road, Forrestdale from “General Rural” to “Special Use-Rural/Residential”.
The amendment area is located in the City of Armadale on the Jandakot Groundwater Mound and west of Forrestdale Lake. Part of the Jandakot Botanic Park is located immediately to the north. The land is generally flat with a high water table, is mostly cleared and has been used predominantly for agricultural purposes.
Current land uses include a native flower farm on Lot 449 Oxley Road, horse training and agistment and hobby farming. A poultry farm located on Lot 434 Taylor Road (not part of the amendment) has approval to extend its operations and the capacity of five of the sheds will be increased by approximately 50%. The odour buffer will therefore need to be further extended to the south and west potentially affecting the possibility of subdivision on lots 6 & 7 Wolfe Road and Lot 432 Oxley Road.