Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: City of ArmadaleDescription: The City of Armadale Town Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 116 proposes to rezone part of Lot 10 and part of Lot 12 Rowley Road, Lot 5, 7 and 9 Oxley Road and Lot 5066 Kargotich Road, Forrestdale, from Rural Living zone to Industrial Development zone to allow for Stage 2 of the South Forrestdale Industrial Area (SFIA) structure planning to occur. Additional scheme text provisions are provided which sets out future structure planning requirements for the site. Region: PerthLocal Government Authority: Armadale, City ofLast updated: Tuesday, 26 April, 2022Current status: Decision on whether to assess has been published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Tuesday, 26 April, 2022Decision: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Scheme Amendment not to be assessed under Part IV of EP Act. Advice given (Not appealable)Extract of determination: City of Armadale Town Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 116 (PDF, 233.46 KB)Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersScheme advice: CMS18105 - Advice - 260422.pdf (PDF, 264 KB)