EPA Annual Report 2005-2006

MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Application of s4A principles; State of the Environment Reporting; Water issues; Perth Seawater Desalination Plant; South West Yarragadee Water Source Development; Compliance Monitoring – Gnangara and Jandakot Mounds; Managed Aquifer Recharge using Treated Wastewater on the Swan Coastal Plain; Review of Fire Management in the Kimberley and Other Rangeland Regions of Western Australia; Environmental Values and Quality Objectives - Pilbara Coastal Waters; Environmental Quality Criteria - Coastal Waters; Swan Bioplan; Peel Harvey Water Quality Improvement Plan.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSALS: Demonstrating Environmental Acceptability; Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals; Strategic Environmental Assessment.
MAJOR PROJECTS: Gorgon Gas Development; Alcoa Wagerup Unit 3 Expansion; Worsley Alumina Expansion of Operations; Iron Ore Development in the Mid-West/Yilgarn region - Bulletin 1220 - Jack Hills iron ore proposal, Murchison Region; Yilgarn Iron Ore Environmental Committee; Assessment of Pilbara iron ore mining proposals - Bulletin 1191 - Hamersley Iron Dampier Port Upgrade to 120 MTPA; Bulletin 1195 - Yandicoogina Junction Southeast Mine, Mining Lease 274SA; Bulletin 1202 - East Pilbara Iron Ore & Infrastructure Project, East-West Railway and Mine Sites (Stage B); Bulletin 1203 - Koolan Island Iron Ore Mine and Port Facility; Bulletin 1210 - Orebody 25 Extension, 8km North East of Newman; Bulletin 1214 - Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore Project; Bulletin 1216 - Pilbara Iron Ore and Infrastructure Project, Cloudbreak; Mineral Sands Proposals - Bulletin 1185 - Gwindinup Mineral Sands Mine, Bulletin 1211 - Coburn Mineral Sand Project, Bulletin 1212 - Cataby Mineral Sands, Bulletin 1217 - Waroona Mineral Sands Project.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PLANNING SCHEMES: Alkimos-Eglinton Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 1029/33.
POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Environmental Protection Policies; State Environmental Policies; Policies Being Implemented - Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy, State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005; Position Statements; Guidance Statements; Regulation 17 Applications - Sons of Gwalia Ltd, Greenbushes tantalum mine, Western Power Corporation, transmission substations, Alcoa Wagerup refinery, Esperance Port Authority extension of 2001 approval, Verve Energy Corporation, Geraldton power station.
APPENDIX 1: The Role and Function of the Environmental Protection Authority
APPENDIX 2: Formal Assessments (including Regulation 17 variations. Excluding Environmental Protection Statements, Assessment on Referral Information and Proposal Unlikely to be Environmentally Acceptable which are listed in Appendix 3 and 4
APPENDIX 3: Environmental Protection Statements and Assessment on Referral Information
APPENDIX 4: Proposal Unlikely to be Environmentally Acceptable (PUEA)
APPENDIX 5: s16 Strategic Advice
APPENDIX 6: Position Statements
APPENDIX 7: Guidance Statements for the Assessment of Environmental Factors
APPENDIX 8: EPA site visits.
APPENDIX 9: Attendance at EPA Meetings
APPENDIX 10: Section 41a reports (minor change to a proposals) completed in 2005
APPENDIX 11: Section 45C List of approved changes to proposals
APPENDIX 12: Financial Report
APPENDIX 12: Abbreviations

Published Date: 
September, 2006