EPA Annual Report 2002-2003

Chairman's Overview
Major Environmental Issues: Sustainability; Natural Resource Management; State of the Environment Reporting; Broadscale Clearing of Native Vegetation for Agriculture; Forest Management; Perth’s Water Resources; Peel-Harvey; National Water Quality Management Strategy - Australian and New Zealand
Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (Guideline No 4) and Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting (Guideline No 7); University Linkage Projects.
Environmental Assessment of Proposals: Demonstrating Environmental Acceptability; The Importance of Context; Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals.
Major Projects: Austeel Iron Ore Mine, Downstream Processing And Port, Cape Preston; Hope Downs Iron Ore, Rail and Port Facility; Ludlow Titanium Minerals Mine; Coral Coast Marina Development, Maud’s Landing; HIsmelt Project; Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Expansion; Superlot Subdivision, Underwood Avenue, Shenton Park; Burrup Projects - Air Quality, Management of Non-Industrial Land and Recreation, Marine, Flora and Fauna, Future development, Assessment of Proposals.
Environmental Assessment of Planning Schemes: Greater Bunbury Region Scheme.
Strategic Assessments: Gorgon Gas Development.
Policy Development: Environmental Protection Policies; Policies Being Implemented - Environmental Protection (Swan-Canning Rivers) Policy 1998, Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise) Policy 2003, Environmental Protection (Goldfields Residential Areas)(Sulfur Dioxide) Policy 2003, Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy 1992, Environmental Protection (Peel Inlet-Harvey Estuary) 1992, Environmental Protection (South West Agricultural Zone Wetlands) Policy 1998. Policies in development - Cockburn Sound, Ambient Air NEPM Implementation, State Coastal Zone. Position Statements, Guidance Statements.
Monitoring of Waste Management (WA) Facilities: Intractable Waste Disposal Facility, Mt Walton East; Liquid Waste Treatment Facility, Brookdale.
Legislation issues: Noise Regulations. Regulation 17 Applications - Wespine pine log sawmill, Dardanup; Western Power Corporation, regional power stations; Wesfarmers Coal Ltd, Premier Coal Mine, Collie; Western Power Corporation, transmission substations; Western Power Corporation, Pinjar power station; Alcoa Wagerup refinery; Gwalia Consolidated, Greenbushes tantalum mine; Albany Port (truck transport) and Wesfi Manufacturing Pty Ltd, Dardanup.
Site visits carried out by the EPA
Advisory Council to the EPA
1: The Role Of The Environmental Protection Authority: General approach taken by the EPA; Role of the proponent; EPA linkages with government agencies
2: Formal Assessments (other than Environmental Protection Statements)
3: Environmental Protection Statements (EPS) and Assessment on Referral Information (ARI)
4: Proposal Unlikely to be Environmentally Acceptable
5: S16 Strategic Advice
6: Position Statements
7: Guidance Statements for the Assessment of Environmental Factors: Draft Guidance; Final Guidance.
8: EPA site visits
9: Attendance at EPA Meetings
10: Financial Report

Published Date: 
October, 2003