EPA Annual Report 2000-2001

Chairman’s Overview
Major Environmental Issues: Ecologically Sustainability of Natural Resource Management; Cockburn Sound Environmental Protection Policy and its Relationship to the Cockburn Sound Management Council; Protection of Native Vegetation; Dryland Salinity; EPA’s Role in Bush Forever; Dieback Disease; Forest Management; Special Areas; Subterranean Fauna; Shark Bay World Heritage Property; University Linkage Projects.
Environmental Assessment of Proposals: Judging Environmental Acceptability; The Importance of Context; The Importance of Standards; Review of Environmental Impact Assessment Process; Additional Levels of Assessment. Major Projects - Ord River Irrigation Area, Stage II, Kununurra; Esperance Port – Upgrade of Marine Facilities; Waste to Energy and Water Plant, Mason Road, Kwinana; Mt Margaret Nickel Cobalt Project; Long Term Shell Sand Mining, Cockburn Sound; Coral Coast Marina Development, Maud’s Landing; Geraldton Southern Transport Corridor; Desalination and Seawater Supplies Project, Burrup Peninsula; Relocation of Broome International Airport.
Environmental Assessment of Planning Schemes
Strategic Assessments
Policy development: Environmental Protection Policies - Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain) Lakes Policy 1992; Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise) Policy; Environmental Protection (Goldfields Residential Areas) (Sulphur Dioxide) Policy 1992; Environmental Protection (Ozone Protection) Policy 2000; Environmental Protection (State Air Quality) Policy; Environmental Protection (Peel Inlet-Harvey Estuary) Policy 1992; Environmental Protection (Coastal Zone) Policy. Position Statements Guidance Statements
Monitoring of Waste Management (WA) Facilities: Intractable Waste Disposal Facility, Mt Walton East; Liquid Waste Treatment Facility, Brookdale.
Legislation Issues: Review of the Noise Regulations; Licence Fee Increases; Monitoring Regulations; Controlled Waste Regulations; Small Abattoir Regulations; Burning on Land Development Sites.
Site Visits carried out by the EPA
Advisory Council to the EPA
1. The role of the EPA
2. Formal Assessments (other than EPS)
3. Environmental Protection Statements (EPS)
4. Proposals Unlikely to be Environmentally Acceptable
5. s16 Strategic Advice
6. Position Statements
7. Guidance Statements
8. EPA Site Visits
9. Attendance at EPA meetings
10. Financial Report

Published Date: 
October, 2001