Chairman's Overview
The Environmental Protection Authority
General approach taken by the EPA
Role of the proponent
EPA linkage with government agencies: Department of Environmental Protection; The Ministry for Planning and Western Australian Planning Commission; The Water and Rivers Commission; The Department of Conservation and Land Management.
Major environmental issues: Biodiversity; Clearing on agricultural land; Urban bushland conservation (Perth's Bushplan); Developments in the Kimberley - Ord River - Fitzroy River; Cape Range; Compliance with Forest Management Plan; Greenhouse gas emissions; North West Shelf marine management study.
Assessment of major projects: Development in Cockburn Sound; Cockburn Cement - medium-term shell sand dredging; Derby tidal power station; Kimberley prawn farm; Fremantle Eastern Bypass; Rail freight terminal, Canning Vale; Mount Gibson iron ore mine & HBI project, Oakajee; West Angelas iron ore project.
Developments in the petroleum industry: Gorgon offshore gas field; Woodside offshore petroleum; Shark Bay study.
Industrial estates
Assessment of planning schemes
Policy development: Environmental Protection Policies - Draft Environmental Protection (State Marine Waters) Policy, 1998 - Draft Environmental Protection (State Groundwater) Policy, 1998 - Environmental Protection (South West Agricultural Zone Wetlands) Policy, 1998 - Environmental Protection (Swan and Canning Rivers) Policy, 1998 - Draft Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy, 1998; Position Statements - Position Statement No. 1: Environmental Protection of the Cape Range Province; Guidance Statements - Guidance Statement No. 2: Risk Assessment and Management: Offsite individual Risk from Hazardous lndustrial Plant - Guidance Statement No. 4: Deep and Shallow Well Injection for Disposal of Industrial Waste - Guidance Statement No. 12: Minimising Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Guidance Statement No. 28: Protection of the Lake Clifton Catchment - Guidance Statement No. 33: Guidelines for Environment and Planning.
Legislation issues: Regulations; Waste Management (WA).
Advisory Council to the Environmental Protection Authority
Appendix 1: Formal assessments
Appendix 2: Section 16 Reports
Appendix 3: Reports and Publications
Appendix 4: Funding