Attachment 1 to Statement 695 - Remove the detailed breakdown of the disturbance area - change to proposal approved under s45C on 4 March 2009.
Attachment 2 to Statement 695 - Increase of dewatering cap (shared with Statement 523) to 35 GL/a - change to proposal approved under s45C on 16 Jul 2009.
Attachment 3 to Statement 695 - Increase in mine impact area to up to 980 hectares, and increase in mining rate to 22 million tonnes per annum – change to proposal approved under s45C on 26 October 2010.
Attachment 4 to Statement 695 – To clear an additional 212 ha of vegetation for waste dumps, topsoil stockpiles and haul road diversions and to increase the mining rate by 2 million tonnes per annum – change to proposal approved under s45C on 12 October 2011.