Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: Western Australian Planning CommissionDescription: The amendment proposes an Additional Use Area (No.2) (A2) to enable the consideration of grouped dwellings as well as remove the minimum plot ratio requirement, which includes: • Modify zoning table notation to include a reference to the proposed Additional Use Area No. 2 (A2) • Amend ‘Table 2 – Specified additional uses for zoned land in Scheme area’ to include grouped dwellings as discretionary 'D' use in Additional Use Area No.2 (A2), with clause 30 (2)(a)(i) of the scheme not applicable to the additional use area. • Amend scheme map to include a notation regarding the location of Additional Use Area No. 2 (A2). Local Government Authority: Western Australian Planning CommissionLast updated: Monday, 13 February, 2023Current status: Decision on whether to assess has been published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Monday, 13 February, 2023Decision: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Scheme Amendment not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. No advice given (Not appealable)Extract of determination: Shenton Park Hospital Redevelopment Improvement Scheme 1 Amendment 1 (PDF, 222.91 KB)