The amendment proposes to normalise City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2 (DPS 2) to remove the effect of structure plans over established lands in the Butler and Ridgewood localities. The amendment also proposes to insert scheme text at Schedule 7 of DPS 2 to set out requirements for retail net lettable areas for select Lots in Butler and Ridgewood.
The purpose of Amendment 15 is to rezone a portion of Lot 500 (No. 81) Ranford Road, Canning Vale from ‘Public Open Space’ to ‘Environmental Conservation’ reserve.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 5905 Cowalla Road, Wanerie from ‘General Rural’ to ‘General Rural (GR 10)’. The amendment also proposes to include new provisions at Schedule 10 of the Scheme to guide future subdivision of the amendment area.
The amendment proposes to rezone multiple lots at the above locations and to introduce provisions at Table 7 of the Scheme to facilitate the development of road infrastructure and the South Hedland Integrated Sports Hub. The amendment also proposes to provide for additional developable land to facilitate expansion of the South Hedland townsite.
The amendment proposes to transfer portions of land from 31 local parks within the City from the ‘Public Open Space’ reserve to the ‘Environmental Conservation’ reserve. The proposed amendment will provide for additional protection for approximately 28 hectares of natural areas, and the environmental values contained therein.
The amendment proposes to rezone a 20.8 hectare (ha) portion of Lot 2977 Patstone Road, Collie from the ‘Rural’ to ‘Light Industry’ zone to facilitate future development of an industrial hub. The amendment also proposes to insert provisions at Table 8 of the Scheme to guide and manage future land uses within the amendment area.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 26 (No. 8) Forrest Street, Goomalling from ‘Public Purposes’ reserve to the ‘Residential (R12.5)’ zone. The amendment seeks to rationalise the zoning of the amendment area with the existing land use and to reflect the freehold ownership status.
The amendment proposes to rezone lands at the above locations from the ‘Rural’ zone and ‘Other Regional Roads’ reservation, to the ‘Urban’ zone and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservation. The amendment is to facilitate future development for urban land uses.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 2 Fisher Road Kudardup from General Agriculture to Rural Residential zone, and amend Schedule 7 special provisions relating to development rural residential land, specific to Lot 2. Amendment 77 is approximately 74.7 hectares in area.
City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme (TPS) Amendment 166 proposes to zone portions of land within the former Roe 8 and Roe 9 as ‘Residential’, ‘Urban’, and ‘Mixed Business’. The amendment proposes zoning the future MRS ‘Urban’ zoned land, between Leda Street and the future MRS ‘Parks and Recreation’ reserve straddling Blackwood Avenue ‘Development’ and applying special control area ‘Development Area No.46’, with associated structure planning provisions. The land associated with the amendment is currently reserved as ‘Primary Regional Road’ in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and is proposed for future ‘Urban’ or ‘Parks and Recreation’ zoning.