The Shire of Carnarvon proposes to introduce a Special Control Area (SCA) to provide for subdivision and development control within the SCA boundary. Within the SCA the Shire proposes to rezone approximately 190 ha of land, comprising several lots and part lots, from the Rural zone to the Intensive Horticulture zone.
The Shire of Carnarvon proposes to introduce a Special Control Area (SCA) to provide for subdivision and development control within the SCA boundary. Within the SCA the Shire proposes to rezone approximately 385 ha of land, comprising several lots and part lots, from the Rural zone to the Intensive Horticulture zone.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has initiated Amendment 187 to Town Planning Scheme 2 to rezone 449 hectares in West Mundijong from Rural and Farmlet zone to Urban Development zone with a 'Development Area' (DA 6) text provision requiring 'land use to be in accordance with the Light Industry and General Industry zone'.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has initiated Metropolitan Region
Scheme (MRS) Amendment 1308/41 to rezone 2099.8 hectares (ha) from Rural to Urban
Deferred zone in East Wanneroo.
The City of Greater Geraldton Town Planning Scheme No. 1A Amendment 4 – to rezone Lots 1945, 5843, 1268, 1358, 1, 1925, 2453, 4201, 6852, 708, 3, 4200, 4201, Victoria Location 11939, and the portion of Lot 2466 contained within TPS 1A from numerous local scheme reserves (‘Dune Preservation’, ‘Parks and Recreation’ and ‘Public Use’) and zones (‘Residential’, ‘Residential Development’, ‘Resort Development’, ‘Commercial’ and ‘General Farming’) to ‘Development’ zone.
The Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup proposes to rezone Lot 102 South Western Highway, Donnybrook from 'Residential 2.5/5' to 'Residential 5/10'.
In accordance with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) Improvement Plan No. 43 Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital, which authorises the making of an improvement scheme over the Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital (SPRH) site, Landcorp has prepared the SPRH improvement scheme for referral to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) proposes to rezone 9.34 hectares of land in Wanneroo (Lots 28 & 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 & 11 Dundebar Road Wanneroo) from Rural to Urban Deferred zone in the Metropolitan Region Scheme.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has resolved to prepare the Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area (ANSIA) Improvement Scheme which will create a strategic industrial estate comprising major hydrocarbon processing industries and synergistic services and facilities.
The Shire of Gingin proposes to rezone Lot 801 Orange Springs Road, Cowalla from General Rural to General Rural - Coded and General Rural Area (GR30) to facilitate the subdivision of the land into minimum of 30 hectare lots.