Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 8 represents an update to the Shire of Ashburton’s (the Shire) existing LPS 7, to ensure consistency with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policies.
The amendment proposes to normalise the zoning and R-coding over the established portions of the area affected by the ASP 57. The ASP 57 is to be amended in response to the zoning, local scheme reserves and residential density cods being placed in the Local Planning Scheme.
The LPS proposes to rezone the amendment area from ‘Rural’ to ‘Rural Residential’ and ‘Environmental Conservation’, amend the scheme map accordingly and insert new sub-clauses in clause 4.36 to amend the zoning table to allow a Residential – single house and Residential – Ancillary dwelling to be a Discretionary ‘D’ use within the Environmental Conservation Zone with applicable development provisions
The purpose of this amendment is to rezone Lot 510 Willersdorf Road, Exmouth from the ‘Public Open Space’ reservation to the ‘Special Use 11 (SU11)’ zone and to amend Schedule 4 – Special Use Zones to include SU11 and relevant conditions.
The amendment proposes to rationalise various lots and reserves within the Jindalee North Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 88. The following land rezonings are proposed:
• ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential’ (R30 and R60)
• ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Commercial’
• ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Public Open Space’
• ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Local Road’
• ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Public Purposes, and
• ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Environmental Conservation’
Schedule 7 (Centre and Commercial Zones) and the scheme maps are to be amended accordingly.
The amendment proposes to insert ‘Additional Use No. 20’ (‘Tavern’) in Schedule 1 –
Schedule of Additional Uses of the scheme text, and to amend the scheme map
The amendment proposes the rezoning the site from the ‘Rural’ zone to the
‘Special Use Zone2’, inserting provisions into ‘Table 5 – Special Use Zones
in Scheme Area’ and amending the Scheme Map accordingly
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 912 (No. 234) Midland Road, Bushmead from ‘Unzoned’ to ‘Special Use Zone No. 14’, and replace the existing entry of ‘Special Use Zone No. 14’ in ‘Schedule 4 – Special Use Zones’ with two precincts and new environmental conditions in the scheme text.
The amendment proposes to remove ‘Additional Site Requirement No.4’ from Lots 125,
301 and 566 Cundinup-Dudinyillup Road, Nannup to facilitate the ongoing use of the
lots for tree farm (plantation) production. The Scheme Map and Table 2 - Additional Site
Requirements will be amended accordingly.
The amendment is an administrative correction to the boundary of the Shenton Park Hospital Redevelopment Improvement Scheme encroaching into Lot 47, 48 and 49 Orton Road. The scheme map is to be amended accordingly.