Rezoning from Rural to Special Rural and Development (various locations).
Rezoning from Regional Reserve - Parks and Recreation to Development Zone. The EPA considers its previous advice regarding the proposed Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment dated 8 March 2013 still stands.
Rationalisation of Pt Lots 40 and 41 River Avenue, Maddington.
Rosehill Golf Course Redevelopment City of Swan
Omnibus amendment to reflect the Karratha City Growth Plan
Rezoning from General Agriculture to Rural Conservation No. 9 and Special Use No. 16.
Rezoning from General Agriculture to Rural-Residential, Lot 24 of Nelson Locations 1772 and 3776 Conte Road and Vasse Highway, Pemberton.
The proposed amendment is rezoning from Special Rural to Special Use (Residential Aged Care), Lot 500 (32) Gavour Road, Wattle Grove.
The EPA has sought and received advice regarding the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Residential Aged Care Facility from the Department of Health (DoH), the Swan River Trust (SRT), the Department of Water (DoW) and the Department of Environment Regulation (DER).
The advice received indicates that insufficient information has been provided to comprehensively determine the nature of the hydrological connection between the treated effluent disposal/irrigation area and the Swan/Canning river system.
Rezoning from Rural to Industrial, North Location 4, Roebourne.
Rezoning from Rural to Rural Living A, Lot 304 Hardey Road, Serpentine.