The City of Busselton has initiated Amendment 28 (Omnibus) to Local Planning Scheme No. 21 to
• align with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations
• apply zoning and reserve designations that align with the existing development
tenure of landholdings within the City of Busselton
• allow new development in specified areas as a result of the Scheme
Transfer of zones and reserves within the City's former Town Planning Scheme 1A into the
existing contemporary Local Planning Scheme 1. No changes to zones or reserves are proposed
in the amendment.
The Western Australian Planning Commission has initiated Amendment 0054-57 to rezone Lot 29
Jeffrey Road, Glen Iris from 'Public Purpose- Special Uses' reserve to 'Urban Deferred' zone to
facilitate future residential development.
The Shire of Dandaragan proposes to introduce Special Control Areas for PDWSAs and modify
the wording of scheme provisions to allow for subdivision and development to occur within
the Bassendean Precinct Special Control Area.
Transfer of Lot 11503 Herschell Road, Boothendarra from ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Public Purpose’ to ‘Rural’ Zone.
Rezone 47.7 hectares from Rural-Water Protection to Urban zone
Rezoning of approximately 112 hectares of land to the Urban Development zone
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has initiated Town Planning Scheme 2 (TPS 2) to align with the
Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 (Regulations). TPS 2
proposes several zones where development will be subject to development provisions to
ensure compatibility and compliance with the Regulations and to limit the potential of
detrimental effects on sensitive land uses.
Rezone the above lots from 'Rural Living 2' to 'Urban Development' to facilitate subdivision.
Modifying the use class permissibility by including the additional land uses of Workers Accommodation, Aged Person, Motel, Industry Cottage and Restaurant/cafe as discretionary uses within the Rural Residential zones in proximity to the town sites of Coolgardie and Kambalda.