The amendment proposes to update the existing special conditions relating to tourist zone for Lot 101 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River. It is proposed to retain the existing tourism uses of restaurant, tearoom, exhibition centre, reception centre, conference, guesthouse and public viewing of buildings, and to amend the conditions to include the uses of hotel and chalet (limited to 40 keys in total), small bar and spa. Amended and additional scheme provisions are also proposed.
Transfer of the above lots from the Urban zone to the Public Purposes - High School reservation
The City of Swan proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 1354 Great Northern Highway and a portion of Lot 1314 Chittering Road, Bullsbrook from ‘General Rural’ to ‘Residential Development’. An additional use which allows a Green Waste Recycling facility for Lot 1314 will be removed.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lots 800-804, 192, 194 and 35 Great Northern Highway, Muchea within the Muchea Employment Node Structure Plan from ‘Agricultural Resource’ zone to ‘Light Industrial’ zone. It is proposed to amend the Zoning Table for the land uses ‘Concrete Batching Plant’, ‘Workforce Accommodation’ and ‘Fast Food Outlet’ in the Light Industrial and General Industrial zones; and add provisions for Precinct 3 of the Muchea Industrial Park to Schedule 11 – Muchea Employment Node Special Control Area.
Local Planning Scheme 8 is proposed to replace the existing Town Planning Scheme 7. The changes are predominantly to update the Scheme to align with the Planning and Development Regulations 2015, ensure consistency with the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme and to reflect existing land use. The new scheme proposes a number of changes including new zones, rezonings, text updates, scheme provision amendments, additional uses to reflect actual land uses and the introduction of several Special Control Areas.
The Shire of Toodyay proposes to replace its existing scheme 4 with an updated scheme 5.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone approximately 110 ha of land in Piara Waters from the ‘Rural-Water Protection’ zone to the ‘Urban’ and ‘Urban Deferred’ zones, and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservation. The rezoning will facilitate urban development.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone approximately 13 hectares of land in Piara Waters from the ‘Rural-Water Protection’ zone to the ‘Public Purposes – High School’ reservation. The amendment will facilitate the future construction of a new high school.
Rezoning Lots 1, 2, 7,12,13, 36, 37 and 38 Caporn Street, Wanneroo from Rural Resource to
Urban Development
Removal of Additional Use 52 from the 'Rural Residential' zoned Lot 30 Millbrook Road,
Yallingup and introduction of Special Provision 71 to a portion of Lot 30 Millbrook Road
(proposed Lot 8 Millbrook Road) to include a number of additional 'A' uses.