Rezoning of the above lots from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban’ zone.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) proposes to reintroduce the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) over part of the land currently zoned and reserved under the Armadale Redevelopment Scheme No. 2, consistent with the Wungong Urban Water Master Plan (WUWMP).
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone 1350 hectares of land in the Shire of Dardanup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industrial to facilitate the development of the proposed ‘Waterloo Industrial Expansion Area’.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone parcels of land in the Shire of Dardanup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban Deferred’ to facilitate the development of the proposed ‘Wanju Urban Expansion Area’.
LPS 3 is proposed to replace the existing Town Planning Scheme 2. The changes are predominantly to update the Scheme to align with the Planning and Development Regulations 2015, to reflect existing land use. The new scheme proposes a number of changes including new zones, rezonings, text updates, scheme provision amendments, additional uses to reflect actual land uses and the introduction of several Special Control Areas.
Amendment 103 proposes to rezone the above lots from General Rural to the Special Rural zone, with specific text provisions to be inserted into Schedule 11 Special Rural Zone No. 6 covering extensive planning and development requirements to address environmental impacts.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to transfer approximately 10.78 ha of land forming part of Lot 800 Canning Road, Carmel (Heidelberg Park) from the Parks and Recreation reservation to the Urban zone. The proposed Urban zoning will allow for aged persons facilities, residential development and public open space for recreation and conservation purposes following a local scheme amendment, detailed structure planning and subdivision approval.
Amendment 43 proposes rezone part of Lot 22 Bussell Highway, Yalyalup from ‘Tourism’, ‘Special Use 15 (Road Purposes) and ‘Reserve for Recreation” to ‘Special Use 27 (Yalyalup Development), and include the land within ‘Special Provision Area 23’. This is to facilitate the development of the land for residential purposes as part of the ongoing development of the Provence Estate.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has initiated Metropolitan Scheme Amendment (MRA) 1367/57 to rezone Part Lot 5131 Jandakot Rd and Part Lot 705 from the Rural-Water Protection zone to the Urban zone. Rationalisation of Bush Forever Site 390 (addition 2.369 ha and removal 9.58 ha) is also proposed.
Development WA proposes to add land in Bayswater and Forrestfield to the Midland Redevelopment Scheme 2 and rename the scheme to the METRONET East Redevelopment Scheme and make a number of other minor amendments in order to ensure best practise planning principles are applied.