Amendment 203 proposes to rezone part Lot 103 Harris Road and part Lot 436 (No. 96) Martin Pelusey Road from 'General Farming' to 'Development' zone, Lot 110 Harris Road from 'Restricted Use' for 'Timber Sales and Storage' to 'Development' zone; and amend 'Appendix 5 - Restricted Use Zones' to delete Restricted Use 10.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone a portion of Lots 900 and 901 Lage Road and portion of Lot 201 Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook (18.1 hectares) from the Rural zone to the Urban Deferred zone.
The Shire of Harvey has initiated LPS 2 to replace the existing District Planning Scheme 1.
The Shire of Dandaragan proposes to amend the zoning table to permit the use of ‘Caravan Park’ in the Harbour zone.
The City of Karratha proposes to introduce Special Control Area and Additional Uses over Jarman Island to allow the consideration of low impact tourism development.
The City of Armadale proposes to rezone the West Piara Urban Precinct South from ‘Rural Living’ and ‘General Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban Development’ zone.
The Shire of Broome proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with an updated scheme which is in line with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015. This includes updating Table 3 Zoning Table to include new use classes including ‘Waste disposal facility’ and ‘Waste storage facility’.
LPS 2 is proposed to replace the existing Local Planning Scheme 1. The changes are predominantly to update the Scheme to align with the Planning and Development Regulations 2015 and to reflect existing land use. The new scheme proposes a number of changes including new zones, rezoning’s, text updates, scheme provision amendments, additional uses to reflect actual land uses and the introduction of several Special Control Areas.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone/change various zones and reservations in the Cities of Wanneroo and Swan and the Shire of Mundaring, to reflect current land use and to facilitate future development.
The proposed amendment is to amend the scheme map to rezone portions of Lot 5131 and
part Lot 705 Jandakot Road Treeby from the Resource to Development zone and include the
lots in Development Area 44 (DA44). The amendment proposes to amend the scheme text to
insert DA 44 into Table 9, with associated provisions.