The amendment proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 6 and Lot 9001 Midland Road,
Helena Valley from ‘Rural Residential’ to ‘Development - DA1’. The proposed
‘Development – DA1’ zoning requires the preparation of a structure plan.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 4 represents a consolidation and update of the Shire of
Chapman Valley’s (the Shire) existing LPS 3. The scheme proposes to ensure that the
scheme text is updated in accordance with the recent updates to the Planning and
Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The amendment proposes administrative changes to LPS 2, including: amending
several land use permissibility to enable hosted and un-hosted short-term rental
accommodation (STRA), introduce new exemptions for certain developments,
modifying and deleting clauses and provisions to reflect model scheme text, amending
residential density (‘R’) codes, and correcting and/or updating scheme maps.
The amendment proposes to delete ‘Special Use 12’ and amend ‘Special Use 9’ and associated provisions in ‘Schedule 4’ of the scheme text, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 4 South Coast Highway, Walpole from ‘Rural
Residential’ to ‘Clubs and Institutions’, and to insert the following additional land uses:
‘Chalet (P)’, ‘Shop (D)’, ‘Low Impact Recreation (P)’, and ‘Office (P)’.
The City of Karratha proposes Amendment 61 to rezone Lot 1 Dampier Road Gap
Ridge from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industrial Development’.
The amendment proposes that clause 4.18 of LPS 3 (related to the removal, destruction of and/or interference with any tree included on the City of Cockburn Significant Tree Register) be deleted to allow the implementation of a Local Planning Policy (LPP) introducing broader tree protection mechanisms for trees on private land.
The amendment proposes to rezone a portion of Lots 555 and 556 Cemetery Road, Mount Magnet from ‘Public Open Space’ (POS) to ‘Special Use – Workers Accommodation’, and to delete ‘Special Use 1’ in Table 5 – Special Use Zones in the scheme text.
The amendment proposes several text changes to the scheme, including inserting a new ‘Residential Building’ land use and associated permissibility in ‘Table 3 – Zoning Table’, deleting several redundant clauses, and amending provisions within ‘Special Control Areas’ (SCA) and schedules.
The amendment proposes to transfer 16.2 hectares (ha) of land within Lots 22-25 Halleendale Road, Walliston from the ‘Rural’ to the ‘Urban’ zone.