Rezoning of Lot 562 and portion of Lot 560 Paris Road, Australind from Regional Open Space Reserve to Urban Zone.
Introduce a new ‘Urban Development’ zone and apply it to the Redcliffe Station precinct to serve as an underlying zoning that facilitates the implementation of the Redcliffe Area Centre Plan (ACP). Establish a Development Contribution Plan (DCP). Update the boundaries of the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to accord with established road alignments within the Perth Airport estate. Introduce new provisions applicable to the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to provide for the implementation of the ACP.
The amendment proposes to transfer approximately 5.07 ha from the Rural-Water Protection
zone to the Urban zone.
The Shire of Chittering Amendment 69 proposes to:
•Change the residential zone coding of Lot 9002 Reserve Road, Chittering from‘Residential R2’ to ‘Residential R5’,
•Rename the Residential R2 Zone in the scheme text to Residential Zone and updatethe zone objectives,
•Update the Development Provisions for the Residential Zone,
•Insert ‘Home Store’ and ‘Holiday House’ as discretionary additional land uses in theResidential and Townsite zones, and
•Amend the Military Considerations Special Control Area to reflect changes that havebeen developed between the Shire, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, andthe Department of Defence.
The Shire of Capel proposes to rezone Part Lot 2 Calinup Road Gelorup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Rural’ and include the land within Special Rural Zone Area No. 2.
The Shire of Nannup (the Shire) proposes to replace its current Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3) with Local Planning Scheme No. 4 (LPS 4). LPS 4 is an updated version of LPS 3 that aligns with the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy and the state, regional and local planning framework.
Lots 557 to 563 DP 67882 Premier Road Shotts is currently zoned Special Use 11, allowing for industrial land uses associated with the coal industry. The Shire proposes to amend LPS 5 to increase the range of permissible land uses to allow industry not related to coal to be permitted, and include further structure planning provisions for Lots 557-563 Premier Road; and to include additional land use definitions for the whole scheme area.
The City of Armadale proposes to introduce 3 lots currently under the Armadale Redevelopment Scheme 2 into its local planning scheme. Lot 2 Keane Road and Lot 4853 Allen Road are proposed to be reserved as Parks and Recreation and Lot 9500 Armadale Road is proposed to be zoned Industrial Development.
Rezoning of the above lots from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban’ zone.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) proposes to reintroduce the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) over part of the land currently zoned and reserved under the Armadale Redevelopment Scheme No. 2, consistent with the Wungong Urban Water Master Plan (WUWMP).