The Shire has initiated Amendment 154 to Town Planning Scheme 3 (TPS3), which proposes to add Lot 1 Riverbend Lane Scotsdale (Lot 1) in Additional Use (AU) Site No. 12 ‘Educational Establishment’ in Appendix 2 Schedule of Additional Use Sites and amend the scheme map accordingly. This is to enable the expansion of the existing school site located to the north of Lot 1. It is also proposed to amend the scheme text in AU Site No 12. to replace Pt Lot 613 Scotsdale Road with Lot 110 on Plan 21633 (No. 222) Scotsdale Road Scotsdale. This is the existing school site.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan 47: Mandogalup, to provide a statutory instrument to implement the strategic planning framework for Mandogalup.
The amendment proposes to transfer a 3.77 hectare portion of Lot 96 Starflower Road, Henley Brook from ‘Public Purposes – Special Uses’ reserve to the ‘Urban’ zone, to facilitate future residential development and related land uses
The Shire proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with Local Planning Scheme 3 (LPS 3). The proposed LPS 3 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
The amendment proposes to rezone approximately 56 hectares of land generally bound by Armadale Road, Hanlin Road and Broome Street, Forrestdale from the ‘Rural’ zone, to the ‘Urban’ and ‘Urban Deferred’ zones and ‘Parks and Recreation’ and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservations.
The Shire proposes to consolidate and replace its existing planning schemes with Local Planning Scheme 6 (LPS 6). The proposed LPS 6 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
Amendment 217 proposes to amend the scheme maps to reclassify part of Lot 82 West Parade, South Guildford that was made unzoned by the gazettal of Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.1396/57 to ‘Special Use Zone No.24’, replace the current “Special Use Zone Precinct Map” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 with the revised Special Use Zone Precinct Map (changes relating to the above Lots), and update the current “Description of Land” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24
Amendment 74 proposes to rezone Lots 50 and 1456 Great Northern Highway, Muchea, from ‘Agricultural Resource’ zone to ‘General Industry’ zone. The Amendment area is 212 hectares and is located east of the townsite of Muchea within the Muchea Industrial Park.
Amendment 74 proposes to amend Schedule 11 – Muchea Employment Node Special Control Area by including provisions for Precinct 2A of the Muchea Industrial Park and introduce two non-industrial land uses, ‘Tavern’ and ‘Restaurant’, as ‘D’ (discretionary), within the amendment area, Precinct 2A.
MRS Amendment 1406/57 proposes to rezone Lot 30 Soldiers Road, Cardup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban’, and to amend the scheme map accordingly
The amendment proposes to rezone the subject lands from ‘Recreation’, ‘Conservation’ and ‘No Zone’ to ‘General Industry’, ‘Public Purposes – Drainage’, ‘Recreation’, ‘Special Use – Roadhouse’ and ‘No Zone’. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the development of the Mount Magnet industrial estate.