Amendment 181 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 Great Northern,
Highway Bullsbrook from 'General Rural' to 'Residential Development'; rezone a portion of Lot 1 Vale Road,
Hazelmere from 'Rural Residential' to 'Light Industrial' with 'Restricted Use'; and rezone a portion of Lot 100
Weir Road, Malaga from Regional Reserve 'Public Purposes' to 'Industrial Development'.
Introduction of an Additional Use of "Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Facility'
into Schedule 2 Additional Uses of Local Planning Scheme 17.
The City of Cockburn proposes to rezone three development areas which form part of the
Australian Marine Complex in Henderson from Special Use 2 and Special Use 22 to Strategic Industry. The development areas were introduced to facilitate and control development of the Australian Marine Complex (AMC) which has now largely been completed.
The Shire of Coolgardie proposes to zone approximately 197 hectares of undeveloped land
south-west of the Coolgardie town site from Rural to Industrial. The zoning will facilitate future industrial development following structure planning and subdivision approval.
Amendment 38 proposes to include an Additional Use (A82) to allow for commercial, tourism
based development on the non-vegetated portions of Lot 61 (400) Metricup Road, Metricup.
The City of Mandurah proposes to replace its existing Town Planning Scheme 3 with Local Planning Scheme 12
Rezone from Rural Residential and Agriculture to Urban Development zone.
Rezone from Rural to Rural Smallholdings
Lots 120 and 121 Minninup Drive, Dalyellup