Lot 11 Tom Price - Paraburdoo Road.
Lot 108 Collins Road, Kalamunda
Karratha City Centre Zoning Revisions
The Western Australian Planning Commission’s Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1188/57 proposes to rezone 70.37 hectares of land at Wellard East from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban Deferred’ to facilitate urban development. The amendment will define the boundary between future urban development and Bollard Bulrush Swamp, which is protected under the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy 1992 and mapped as a Conservation Category Wetland.
The State Planning Commission has initiated a Major Amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (Amendment No. 927/33), known as the Canning Vale-Southern River area.
The EPA did not assess the proposed amendment, but made a submission on the document released for review by the State Planning Commission. Download the submission here (EPA Bulletin 717).