The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 500 from ‘Special Use’ to ‘Residential’ with a density coding of R30 and amend the scheme text and map accordingly.
The Shire of Plantagenet proposes to modify the permissibility of ‘Child Care Premises’ in the Residential zone from an ‘X’ use to an ‘A’ use (discretionary and subject to advertising) within the Zoning Table.
Amendment 7 proposes to amend the Shire of Carnarvon’s Local Planning Scheme 13 in relation to the Wooramel and Minilya Bridge Roadhouses, by modifying Schedule 4 ‘Special Use Zone 1’ and adding ‘Hotel’ to the permitted uses, inserting new conditions specific to the ‘Hotel’ use, amending incorrect zonings and land description references, and amending the scheme maps accordingly.
Amendment 12 proposes to rezone Lot 81 South Western Highway, Davenport from ‘Industrial Development’ to ‘General Industry’ zone; modify the scheme map accordingly and insert text into Schedule 3 – additional site and Development Requirements Table 6
Amendment 2 proposes to insert the additional uses ‘Workforce accommodation’ and ‘Office’ into ‘Schedule 2 – Additional Uses’ of the Shire of Koorda Local Planning Scheme 3 for Lot 19 Orchard Street, Koorda to allow development of an office complex and amend the scheme maps accordingly. The base ‘Residential’ zone will be retained.
The amendment proposes to introduce additional land uses within the portion of the site designated as RU17A under Schedule 3 of the Scheme Text.
The amendment proposes the additional uses of ‘Consulting Room, Office, Personal Care Services and Shop’ as Discretionary (‘D’) land uses on the site.
Amendment 159 proposes to update the zoning and reservation of various land parcels across the City to match the developed on-ground situation, existing tenure of various landholdings, and respond to the outcomes of MRS Amendment 1393/57.
The amendment proposes rezoning of Land to District Centre zone; assignment of Density Codes to Kelmscott District Centre Precinct Structure Plan area; reclassification of Lot 39 Page Road, Kelmscott to Parks and Recreation (Local); rezoning of various lots on Gilwell Avenue/Clifton Street and Lot 802 Erica Street to Residential; Removal of Special Use Zone 1 from portion of Page Road and Fancote Park; application of Development Area No.67 (Special Control Area) over the Kelmscott District Centre; District Centre Zone objectives review; District Centre Zone Land Use Permissibility review.
The amendment proposes a scheme amendment to rezone land at Lot 132 (No.23) Wirra Corner, Part Lot 9002 (No. 548) and Lot 9035 Lyon Road, Wandi from ‘Rural Water Resource’ and ‘Special Rural’ to ‘Development’ zone, to facilitate the residential development. The amendment also proposes to amend the boundary of Development Contribution Area 5 Wandi and Development Contribution Area 9 Wandi/Anketell to include the subject land.