The amendment proposes to rationalise various structure plans within Development Area (DA) 26 and DA 27, rezone various lots from ‘Development’ to ‘Residential’, ‘Parks and Recreation’, ‘Lakes and Drainage’ and ‘Local Road’, insert ‘Special Use 31’ into Table 8 – Special Use Zones of the scheme text, and reduce the extent of DA 26 and DA 27 Special Control area boundaries.
The amendment proposes to insert new vehicle access provisions into Table 6 – Clause 32 of the scheme text for various residential (R60) lots, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone various lots and reserves from ‘Commercial Mixed Business – C3’ to ‘Commercial Retail Core – C1’, and delete Restricted Use R1 and add Additional Use A13 into Schedule 2 of the scheme text. The scheme map is to be amended accordingly.
Amendment 216 aims to rationalise the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 80 by transferring the zones and reserves of the structure plan into the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2.
The amendment proposes to normalise the zoning of land within various local structure plan areas zoned ‘Urban Development’ and delete relevant provisions from Appendix 5 – Structure Plan areas of the scheme text for Development Area (DA)1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA5, DA6, and DA8. The scheme maps are to be amended accordingly.
The amendment proposed to rezone Lot 2387 Strathaven Road, Gnowangerup from ‘General Agriculture’ to ‘Rural Residential’ and amend Schedule 11 special provisions to include provisions relating to development of Lot 2387’.
Amendment 205 aims to rationalise the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch and Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No.8 (ASP8) by transferring the zones and reserves of the structure plans into the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 600 from ‘Reserve – Social Care Facilities’ to ‘Residential’ or ‘Local Road’, and to introduce provisions at Schedule 3 of the Scheme relating to a higher density residential development of Lot 600.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 556 from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Light Industry’ zone, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
The amendment proposes to update ‘Mixed Use’ zone objectives and the definition of Warehouse/Storage in the City of Belmont Local Planning Scheme 15. The Amendment also proposes to make related changes to the Warehouse/Storage land use permissibility from ‘D’ to ‘X’.