The amendment proposes to rezone lands within the Marmion Structure Plan from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential (R20)’ and ‘Environmental Conservation’ reserve, and to insert provisions at No. 5, Table 8 of the Scheme. The proposed amendment seeks to revoke the Marmion Structure Plan and rationalise zonings within the Scheme to reflect existing development that has been undertaken in accordance with the plan.
The amendment proposes to update the operating period of Development Contribution Area No. 1 – Brabham (DCA), adding an additional 10 years. The DCA will remain in effect until April 4, 2034.
The Western Australian Land Authority (DevelopmentWA) proposes to amend the Hope Valley-Wattleup Redevelopment Project Master Plan to create new precincts, a new development area and development contribution area to align with the Development Area 5 Structure Plan
The amendment proposes to modify ‘Special Character Area’ provisions at Clause 5.7.3 of the Scheme, to provide for local government discretion in determining development applications when variation to a Schedule 4 standard is proposed.
The amendment proposes to include the additional uses of ‘Brewery, Cidery or Distillery’ ‘Restaurant/Café’ and ‘Tourist Development’ to Schedule 2 as an additional discretionary use in the Rural Zone, to facilitate the current distillery onsite
The amendment to the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2 proposes to add a new Clause under Schedule 14, Part 1 General Provisions (Clause 1.15) to introduce operational timeframes for the Developer Contribution Plans for East Wanneroo Cells 1-9.
The amendment proposes to amend the scheme text to alter the definition of rural worker accommodation, to delete reference to ‘short stay’ and modify reference too ‘working on that landholding’ to remove restrictions on workers having to work on the landholding where they are accommodated.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 340 Coronation Street, Trayning from ‘Public purposes - Civic and Cultural’ to ‘Residential’.
The amendment proposes to modify the short stay provisions for Restricted Use No. 16 at Schedule 8 of the Scheme, to provide for permanent occupation within Lots 100 and 101 Rigg Road, Myalup.
Amendment 162 aims to rationalise Development Area 11’s (DA11) Structure Plans No.11C, D, E, F, H, I, L, M and N, by transferring the zones and reserves of the structure plans into Town Planning Scheme No.3.