The Shire proposes to consolidate and replace its existing planning schemes with Local Planning Scheme 6 (LPS 6). The proposed LPS 6 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
Amendment 217 proposes to amend the scheme maps to reclassify part of Lot 82 West Parade, South Guildford that was made unzoned by the gazettal of Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.1396/57 to ‘Special Use Zone No.24’, replace the current “Special Use Zone Precinct Map” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 with the revised Special Use Zone Precinct Map (changes relating to the above Lots), and update the current “Description of Land” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24
The amendment proposes to rezone portions of Lot 881 (#239) Yilgarn Avenue, Malabaine from “Environmental Conservation” to “Light and Service Industry”; amend the Scheme Map and insert new scheme provision clause 4.38 and Table 4.
Amendment 74 proposes to rezone Lots 50 and 1456 Great Northern Highway, Muchea, from ‘Agricultural Resource’ zone to ‘General Industry’ zone. The Amendment area is 212 hectares and is located east of the townsite of Muchea within the Muchea Industrial Park.
Amendment 74 proposes to amend Schedule 11 – Muchea Employment Node Special Control Area by including provisions for Precinct 2A of the Muchea Industrial Park and introduce two non-industrial land uses, ‘Tavern’ and ‘Restaurant’, as ‘D’ (discretionary), within the amendment area, Precinct 2A.
MRS Amendment 1406/57 proposes to rezone Lot 30 Soldiers Road, Cardup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban’, and to amend the scheme map accordingly
Amendment 204 proposes to address the inconsistencies in Residential Density Coding (R-Codes) between District Planning Scheme 2 and the City’s East Wanneroo Cell 3 Agreed Structure Plan No. 5 by applying the R20 and R40 R-Coding over various residential and Pedestrian Accessway land parcels within the Agreed Structure Plan 5 area
The amendment proposes to rezone the subject lands from ‘Recreation’, ‘Conservation’ and ‘No Zone’ to ‘General Industry’, ‘Public Purposes – Drainage’, ‘Recreation’, ‘Special Use – Roadhouse’ and ‘No Zone’. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the development of the Mount Magnet industrial estate.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lots 4, 5, 6 and a portion of Lot 7 Sixty Eight Road, Baldivis from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Residential’, and to rezone Lot 8 and a portion of Lot 7 from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Rural’ and modify the Scheme Map accordingly.
The amendment is proposed to ensure the Scheme Text is revised to be consistent with the Model Provisions and Deemed Provisions contained in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, to introduce a Special Control Area for the Wastewater treatment plant buffer area, extend and modify the aims of the scheme, introduce an additional use for Location 3524- 50 Aviation Street, insert provisions for zones and general provisions for the whole scheme area, and to modify the scheme maps accordingly.
The amendment proposes a scheme text amendment to include ‘Industry’ as an additional discretionary use in the Rural Zone, in relation to Lots 40 & 41 Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road in Tenindewa, to facilitate the establishment of a vanadium processing facility.