The amendment proposes to rezone the old Woolstores site, from the ‘Rural Smallholdings’ and ‘Light Industry’ zones, and ‘Local Road’ reserve to the ‘Urban Development’ zone. The intention of the ‘Urban Development’ zone is to provide for a range of residential and commercial uses and to protect the land from noncompatible subdivision or development.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has initiated Amendment 1395/57 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to rezone land within Pt Lots 23 and 72 Eveline Road Middle Swan to enable a change in land use from the current brickworks to urban development. The proposed amendment area is 24.32ha and includes rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Urban’, and rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Parks and Recreation’ of land adjacent to the Swan River.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 8 represents an update to the Shire of Ashburton’s (the Shire) existing LPS 7, to ensure consistency with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policies.
Local Planning Scheme 13 (LPS 13) represents an update to the City of Cockburn’s
existing Town Planning Scheme 3 (TPS 3) to ensure consistency with the
requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development
(Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations), the City’s Local
Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policy.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 18 represents an administrative update to the City of Swan’s existing LPS 17, to ensure consistency with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations), the City’s Local Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policies.
The Shire proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with Local Planning Scheme 3 (LPS 3). The proposed LPS 3 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
The Shire proposes to consolidate and replace its existing planning schemes with Local Planning Scheme 6 (LPS 6). The proposed LPS 6 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
Amendment 217 proposes to amend the scheme maps to reclassify part of Lot 82 West Parade, South Guildford that was made unzoned by the gazettal of Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.1396/57 to ‘Special Use Zone No.24’, replace the current “Special Use Zone Precinct Map” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 with the revised Special Use Zone Precinct Map (changes relating to the above Lots), and update the current “Description of Land” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24
The amendment proposes a scheme text amendment to include ‘Industry’ as an additional discretionary use in the Rural Zone, in relation to Lots 40 & 41 Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road in Tenindewa, to facilitate the establishment of a vanadium processing facility.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 500 North River Road, North Plantations from ‘Environmental Conservation’ to ‘Priority Agriculture’, to facilitate the expansion of horticultural activities on the Lot.