Omnibus amendment to reflect the Karratha City Growth Plan
Rezoning from General Agriculture to Rural Conservation No. 9 and Special Use No. 16.
Rezoning from Rural to Rural Living A, Lot 304 Hardey Road, Serpentine.
Expansion of Development Investigation Area 21.
Rezoning from No Zone to Kwinana Town Centre Zone and Modifying Scheme Text - Lot 303 Wellard Road & portion of unmade 'Wellard Road' Road Reserve.
The Shire of Coolgardie has submitted their Local Planning Scheme No. 5 to the EPA for review and consideration
Modifying provisions to establish a Holiday House use, various strata lots at Part Location 410 Caves Road, Margaret River.
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 9A - Bushmead
Reclassifying Portions of Lot 911 Midland Road, Hazelmere.
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 2A and 2B - Helena River Precinct