Lot 9000 Brockman Road Cowaramup.
East Boyanup.
Rezoning from Community Purposes to Residential R30 Lot 503 Warnbro Sound Avenue, Port Kennedy.
Rezoning from 'Rural' to 'Special Rural' Zone, Lots 223, 243, 245-248 Lakes Benden and Scott Roads, Nambeelup.
Reclassifying from Local Reserve - Recreation to Special Use Zone, Part Lot 12513 Paradise Quays, Ballajura
Rezoning from Special Site (R12) to Rural Residential Lot 51 Porongurup Road, Mount Barker.
Rezoning from Rural Residential to Residential R5, Lot 2 Ashton Street, Margaret River.
Rezoning from Special Development to Residential R30, Lots 88, 89 and 90 Leisure Way, Halls Head.
Rezoning from Parks and Recreation Reserve to Special Use - Aged Residential Care, Lot 59 (40) Wilkins Road, Kalamunda.
Canning City Centre Amendment.