The Shire of Brookton has initiated Local Planning Scheme (LPS) No.4 to rezone various parcels of land in the Shire.
The Shire of Kalamunda proposes to rezone approximately 138 hectares (ha) in High Wycombe to Urban Development.
The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale has initiated Amendment 195 to rezone Lots 50, 100 and a portion of Lot 85 Gordon Road, Serpentine from 'Rural' to 'Rural Living B'. The site is zoned 'Rural' under the Perth Metropolitan Region Scheme. The proposal will facilitate the creation of five lots ranging in size from 2 to 4 hectares.
The Shire of Ravensthorpe has prepared a new Local Planning Scheme No. 6 (LPS 6).
The Shire of Chittering has initiated Amendment 58 to Town Planning Scheme 6 to rezone Lot 8 Buckthorn Drive, Lower Chittering from 'Agricultural Resource' to 'Rural Residential'.
The Shire of Broome proposes to include 'Additional Use' designation on Lot 222 (No.51) Lullfitz Drive, Billingurr zoned 'Rural Living' in the Shire of Broome Local Planning Scheme 6. The 'Additional Use' will facilitate the development of a 'Health and Wellbeing Retreat' consisting of short term accommodation, ancillary uses and a Caretaker's Dwelling.