Amendment 146 to Town Planning Scheme 3 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 705 and 706 Armadale Rd Treeby (approximately 47.7 ha) from 'Resource' to 'Development', and amend the Scheme map and text accordingly.
Amendment 181 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 Great Northern,
Highway Bullsbrook from 'General Rural' to 'Residential Development'; rezone a portion of Lot 1 Vale Road,
Hazelmere from 'Rural Residential' to 'Light Industrial' with 'Restricted Use'; and rezone a portion of Lot 100
Weir Road, Malaga from Regional Reserve 'Public Purposes' to 'Industrial Development'.
Introduction of an Additional Use of "Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Facility'
into Schedule 2 Additional Uses of Local Planning Scheme 17.
The WAPC proposes a number of changes to the Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area
(ANSIA) Improvement Scheme. The changes aim to facilitate the development of the second stage of the ANSIA
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone Lots 2 and 2083 Great
Eastern Highway, Lots 10 and the Rural zone portion of 2348 Cole Road and Lot 108 Pearce Street, Swayers Valley, and an area of local road reserve from the Rural to Urban.
Amendment 171 proposes the additional use of Caravan Park to a portion of Lot 800
Morrissey Road, Bullsbrook
Amendment 306 proposes to rezone Lot 518 Stock Road, Stake Hill from 'Rural' to
'Residential Development