The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is proposing to rezone 49.47 hectares (ha) in Forrestdale from Rural to Urban.
The amendment area consists of Lots 3, 5, 23, 24, 61, 91, 100, 200 and 336 and is bounded by Armadale and Anstey Roads, and the Keane Road reserve, Forrestdale. The area borders Bush Forever site 342 to the north west and north east. The land is generally flat and has been mostly cleared for grazing.
The City of Mandurah proposes to replace the current Town Planning Scheme No.3 (TPS 3) with the proposed Local Planning Scheme No.12. Local Planning Scheme No.12 is a consolidation of TPS 3. It updates the scheme text (naming of zones), scheme provisions and includes recommendations of the Mandurah Planning Strategy.
Reclassifying from Local Reserve - Recreation to Special Use Zone, Part Lot 12513 Paradise Quays, Ballajura
Rezoning from Rural Residential to Residential R5, Lot 2 Ashton Street, Margaret River.
Canning City Centre Amendment.
Rezoning of approximately 46 hectares from the Rural Zone to the Urban Zone, Mount Helena Urban Precinct.
Removing from the 'Natural Environs Precinct' & inserting into the 'Tourism Precinct', amending Schedule 5 (Coral Bay Settlement Plan) to fully reflect Lot 500 as an 'eco-tourism resort', Lot 500 Banksia Drive, Coral Bay.
Balannup/Skeet Road Precinct, Harrisdale.
Omnibus amendment to reflect the Karratha City Growth Plan
Modifying provisions to establish a Holiday House use, various strata lots at Part Location 410 Caves Road, Margaret River.