The amendment proposes to delete ‘Special Use 12’ and amend ‘Special Use 9’ and associated provisions in ‘Schedule 4’ of the scheme text, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 4 South Coast Highway, Walpole from ‘Rural
Residential’ to ‘Clubs and Institutions’, and to insert the following additional land uses:
‘Chalet (P)’, ‘Shop (D)’, ‘Low Impact Recreation (P)’, and ‘Office (P)’.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 9510 Murat Road, Exmouth from the:
•‘Special Use 7’ (SU7) to the ‘Urban Development’ zone,
•delete the SU7 from Schedule 4 – Special Use zones in the LPS 4 schemetext,
•delete reference to the site in Additional Use 8 – Additional Uses ,and
•amend Scheme Maps accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone Part Lot 5892 Maralla Road Bullsbrook from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban Deferred’ zone. The amendment will primarily facilitate future residential development. Future development within the amendment area is proposed to be consistent with the North Ellenbrook (West) District Structure Plan Amendment 1.
The amendment proposes to reclassify approximately 504 hectares (ha) in North Ellenbrook from the ‘Rural’ zone to ‘Urban Deferred’ zone and ‘Parks and Recreation’
reservation, to facilitate future residential development.
The amendment proposes to rezone the old Woolstores site, from the ‘Rural Smallholdings’ and ‘Light Industry’ zones, and ‘Local Road’ reserve to the ‘Urban Development’ zone. The intention of the ‘Urban Development’ zone is to provide for a range of residential and commercial uses and to protect the land from noncompatible subdivision or development.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has initiated Amendment 1395/57 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to rezone land within Pt Lots 23 and 72 Eveline Road Middle Swan to enable a change in land use from the current brickworks to urban development. The proposed amendment area is 24.32ha and includes rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Urban’, and rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Parks and Recreation’ of land adjacent to the Swan River.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan No. 56 Malaga Station Precinct and the Ballajura Station Precinct Structure Plan over Lot 810 and Lot 11 Beechboro Road North, Whiteman.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan 55: Bennet Springs East Area, and provides a statutory instrument to implement the strategic planning framework for Bennet Springs East, including commercial and residential development.
Amendment No.23 proposes to amend the Shire of Northam’s (the Shire) Local
Planning Scheme (LPS) 6 by correcting anomalies in the Scheme maps and rezoning
various lots in Grass Valley to facilitate the expansion of the Avon Industrial Park.