The amendment proposes to rezone the old Woolstores site, from the ‘Rural Smallholdings’ and ‘Light Industry’ zones, and ‘Local Road’ reserve to the ‘Urban Development’ zone. The intention of the ‘Urban Development’ zone is to provide for a range of residential and commercial uses and to protect the land from noncompatible subdivision or development.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 8 represents an update to the Shire of Ashburton’s (the Shire) existing LPS 7, to ensure consistency with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policies.
The purpose of this amendment is to rezone Lot 510 Willersdorf Road, Exmouth from the ‘Public Open Space’ reservation to the ‘Special Use 11 (SU11)’ zone and to amend Schedule 4 – Special Use Zones to include SU11 and relevant conditions.
Amendment 1 has been prepared to facilitate the implementation of new precinct structure plans (which are proposed to be concurrently advertised with the amendment) for: Chinatown/Old Broome and Cable Beach. The amendment proposes scheme text changes (including introduction of structure plan requirements and modifications to definitions in the scheme) and also proposes land use zoning and R-code changes within the Chinatown/Old Broome structure plan area.
Amendment 4 proposes to increase the residential density coding over the area from R5 to R10.
The amendment proposes a scheme text amendment to list the land use of ‘Brewery’ as a discretionary use for the Special Use Zone 14, in relation to Lot 62 Dirk Hartog Island, to facilitate the establishment of a distillery at the site.
The amendment proposes multiple changes to the Scheme, including modifications to the land permissibility table, rezonings to consolidate existing land uses, insertion of a new additional use and insertion of new Scheme text.
The amendment proposes to rezone the subject site from ‘Conservation’ and ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban Development’ to provide for the future subdivision and development of the Abbey South precinct. The amendment also proposes to insert ‘Special Provision Area No. 76’ at Schedule 3 of the Scheme, and to amend the Scheme map to remove the ‘Landscape Value Area – Special Control Area’ from the subject site.
The Shire of Harvey has initiated LPS 2 to replace the existing District Planning Scheme 1.
The City of Karratha proposes to introduce Special Control Area and Additional Uses over Jarman Island to allow the consideration of low impact tourism development.