The amendment proposes that clause 4.18 of LPS 3 (related to the removal, destruction of and/or interference with any tree included on the City of Cockburn Significant Tree Register) be deleted to allow the implementation of a Local Planning Policy (LPP) introducing broader tree protection mechanisms for trees on private land.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 600 (No 499) Beechboro Road North, Beechboro from ‘Residential R30/50’ to ‘General Commercial’ and amend the Scheme Maps accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone a portion of Lots 555 and 556 Cemetery Road, Mount Magnet from ‘Public Open Space’ (POS) to ‘Special Use – Workers Accommodation’, and to delete ‘Special Use 1’ in Table 5 – Special Use Zones in the scheme text.
The amendment proposes several text changes to the scheme, including inserting a new ‘Residential Building’ land use and associated permissibility in ‘Table 3 – Zoning Table’, deleting several redundant clauses, and amending provisions within ‘Special Control Areas’ (SCA) and schedules.
The amendment proposes to transfer 16.2 hectares (ha) of land within Lots 22-25 Halleendale Road, Walliston from the ‘Rural’ to the ‘Urban’ zone.
The amendment proposes to rezone Part Lot 5892 Maralla Road Bullsbrook from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban Deferred’ zone. The amendment will primarily facilitate future residential development. Future development within the amendment area is proposed to be consistent with the North Ellenbrook (West) District Structure Plan Amendment 1.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 246 (No.25) Roberta Avenue, Halls Creek from
the ‘Tourism’ zone to the ‘Mixed Use’ zone and amend the Scheme Map accordingly.
The amendment is proposed to facilitate the development of a residential care facility.
The amendment proposes to transfer approximately 3.22 hectares (ha) of land within
Lot 3 Midland Road, Hazelmere and an adjacent road reserve from the ‘Rural’ to the
‘Urban’ zone to facilitate future light industrial development.
The amendment proposes several changes, including inserting new land use
definitions for ‘Cabin’, ‘Chalet’, ‘Road House’, Workforce Accommodation’, and
‘Tourist and Visitor Accommodation’, amending and deleting several references to
redundant land use classes, and inserting five new land uses and associated
permissibility in ‘Table 1 – Zoning Table’ of the scheme text.
The amendment proposes to reclassify approximately 504 hectares (ha) in North Ellenbrook from the ‘Rural’ zone to ‘Urban Deferred’ zone and ‘Parks and Recreation’
reservation, to facilitate future residential development.