The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has resolved to prepare the Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area (ANSIA) Improvement Scheme which will create a strategic industrial estate comprising major hydrocarbon processing industries and synergistic services and facilities.
The Town of Port Hedland proposes to rezone land generally bound by Styles Road (south), Pretty Pool Creek (north), Cooke Point Drive (west) and existing single residential housing in the Pretty Pool residential area (east) from "Rural", "Parks and Recreation" and "Other Public Purpose - Energy" to "Urban Development".
West Mundijong Industrial Precinct
Lot 56, 57 & 68 Lunt Street, Northam.
Lot 15 Haub Road Lake Clifton
Locations 2807 and 2812 Bussell Highway Witchcliffe.
Rezone from Parks and Recreation to Mixed Business, Part Lot 1 Mcgregor Street, Port Hedland.
Rezonlng from Rural Living to Industrial Development Lots 6, 8 and 200 Rowley Road, Forrestdale.
Reclassifying from Local Reserve - Recreation to Special Use Zone, Part Lot 12513 Paradise Quays, Ballajura