The amendment proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 6 and Lot 9001 Midland Road,
Helena Valley from ‘Rural Residential’ to ‘Development - DA1’. The proposed
‘Development – DA1’ zoning requires the preparation of a structure plan.
Amendment 20 proposes to:
• recode portion of Lot 9100 on deposited plan 419456 Thornwick Crescent,
Chidlow from ‘R2.5’ to ‘R5’;
• rezone Lot 99 on deposited plan 419456 Betty Street, Chidlow from
‘Residential’ to Local Planning Scheme Reserve ‘Recreation’; and
• amend the scheme map accordingly.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 4 represents a consolidation and update of the Shire of
Chapman Valley’s (the Shire) existing LPS 3. The scheme proposes to ensure that the
scheme text is updated in accordance with the recent updates to the Planning and
Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The amendment proposes administrative changes to LPS 2, including: amending
several land use permissibility to enable hosted and un-hosted short-term rental
accommodation (STRA), introduce new exemptions for certain developments,
modifying and deleting clauses and provisions to reflect model scheme text, amending
residential density (‘R’) codes, and correcting and/or updating scheme maps.
The amendment proposes to delete ‘Special Use 12’ and amend ‘Special Use 9’ and associated provisions in ‘Schedule 4’ of the scheme text, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
Shire of Murray Local Planning Scheme 4 (LPS 4) Amendment 322 proposes to rezone land within the Pinjarra Secondary Centre from various zones and reserves to Pinjarra Centre Zone and Environmental Conservation Zone, to also reflect the draft Pinjarra Precinct Structure Plan. The amendment also introduces new land uses definitions, a Pinjarra Centre Zoning Table and proposes several modifications to the LPS 4 text to be more consistent with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The amendment proposes to amend the scheme map by:
• removing the current Tourist Enterprise zone from Lot 200 Club and Swimming Pool Roads, Pemberton, and including the land within the Town Centre Zone with a residential density of R30, and
• deleting Development Investigation Area 23 from all land except Lot 201 Swimming Pool Road.
The amendment also proposes to introduce new land use definitions (for ‘Residential
Aged Care Facility’ and ‘Independent Living Complex’) to the scheme text, and update
the zoning table accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 4 South Coast Highway, Walpole from ‘Rural
Residential’ to ‘Clubs and Institutions’, and to insert the following additional land uses:
‘Chalet (P)’, ‘Shop (D)’, ‘Low Impact Recreation (P)’, and ‘Office (P)’.
The City of Karratha proposes Amendment 61 to rezone Lot 1 Dampier Road Gap
Ridge from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industrial Development’.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 9510 Murat Road, Exmouth from the:
•‘Special Use 7’ (SU7) to the ‘Urban Development’ zone,
•delete the SU7 from Schedule 4 – Special Use zones in the LPS 4 schemetext,
•delete reference to the site in Additional Use 8 – Additional Uses ,and
•amend Scheme Maps accordingly.