The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 9510 Murat Road, Exmouth from the:
•‘Special Use 7’ (SU7) to the ‘Urban Development’ zone,
•delete the SU7 from Schedule 4 – Special Use zones in the LPS 4 schemetext,
•delete reference to the site in Additional Use 8 – Additional Uses ,and
•amend Scheme Maps accordingly.
Introduce a General Industry, Strategic Infrastructure and Special Control area to facilitate the development of renewable energy facilities (introduced as an additional use) and workforce accommodation (Hyenergy proposal).
The amendment proposes to reclassify areas from ‘Rural Residential’ zoning to ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Drainage/Waterway, or ‘Environmental Conservation’ or ‘Public Purposes; or Local Road and deleting the provisions relating to ‘RR19’ in Schedule 8 (Rural Residential Zone Special Provisions) and replacing those provisions with special provisions.
Amendment 202 proposes to rezone land from ‘Industrial Development’ to ‘General Industrial’ and
‘Service Industrial’, and ‘General Industrial’ to ‘Service Industrial’, along with the introduction of
‘Additional Uses’. Amendment 202 also proposes rezoning of land from the ‘Industrial Development’
zone to ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Public Use’, and from ‘Industrial Development’ to ‘Conservation’.
Scheme text amendments related to land use permissibility are also proposed.
Amendment 3 proposes to rezone Lots 1, 101, 112 and 220 Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth from the ‘General Industry’ zone to the ‘Special Use’ zone to facilitate tourism and related uses; delete Additional Use 4A from Schedule 2; include additional provision within Schedule 4 and amend scheme maps accordingly.
Amendment 8 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 505 from the ‘Light Industry’ zone to the ‘Rural’ zone and introduce an additional use of ‘Industry’ to the adjacent portion of Lot 505 to permit development which is limited to a power generation facility and ancillary infrastructure. The proposed amendment is to allow for future renewable and thermal power supply to provide for Exmouth’s future power needs.
To rezone the amendment area from 'Future Development' to 'Tourism'.
The Shire of Broome proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with an updated scheme which is in line with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015. This includes updating Table 3 Zoning Table to include new use classes including ‘Waste disposal facility’ and ‘Waste storage facility’.
*The Shire of Exmouth has advised the EPA it will not be proceeding the scheme amendment.
The EPA will provide strategic advice to the Minister for Environment on the potential cumulative impacts of the activities and developments proposed for Exmouth Gulf. The assessment periods for Subsea 7‘s Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility proposal and the Shire of Exmouth’s rezoning proposal will be extended so that the findings of this environmental study can be fully considered.
The Shire of Exmouth proposes Amendment 1 to rezone part of lots 223, 234, 235 and 1586 Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth from 'Rural' and 'Foreshore Reserve' to 'Special Use 10' to facilitate the development of a pipeline fabrication facility (Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility). The scheme amendment is being assessed on aspects that relate to the proposed change in zoning of the land.
The public review process for the scheme amendment is managed by the Shire of Exmouth and the review period will run from 2 October 2019 until the 30 November 2019. The documents below are also available on the Shire of Exmouth's website . To make a submission on these documents, or for more information about the scheme amendment, please contact the Shire of Exmouth at .
The EPA has published the Response to Submissions for the Scheme Amendment. The Response to Submissions for the Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility proposal is available here under 3. Assessment, Environmental Review.
The Shire of Toodyay proposes to replace its existing scheme 4 with an updated scheme 5.