Amendment 10 proposes to rezone Lot 1 Vive Avenue and Lots 2 – 4 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie to reflect existing subdivision and development that has occurred in accordance with the approved Craigie High School Site Local Structure Plan. The proposed amendment includes the rezoning from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential’, ‘Public Open Space’ and ‘Local Road Reserves’. Relevant residential density codes are proposed for areas to be zoned ‘Residential’. The amendment also proposes to insert requirement No. 4 at Table 8 of the Scheme, to provide for retention of trees along Camberwarra Drive.
The City of Armadale Town Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 116 proposes to rezone part of
Lot 10 and part of Lot 12 Rowley Road, Lot 5, 7 and 9 Oxley Road and Lot 5066 Kargotich
Road, Forrestdale, from Rural Living zone to Industrial Development zone to allow for Stage 2
of the South Forrestdale Industrial Area (SFIA) structure planning to occur. Additional scheme
text provisions are provided which sets out future structure planning requirements for the
Amendment 152 proposes to rezone various landholdings comprising the former Glen Iris Golf
course on Berrigan Drive, Jandakot from ‘Special Use’ and ‘Residential R40’ to the
‘Development ‘zone.
Amendment 1396/57 proposes to rezone portions of Lots 9002, 82, 200 and 1 West Parade,
South Guildford from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban’. The proposal is to facilitate the final stages of residential
development for the Rosehill Waters Estate. The proposal also includes a land exchange
between the developer and the Western Australian Planning Commission, requiring a rezone of
1.3ha from ‘Rural’ zone to ‘Parks and Recreation’ reserve, and 2.3ha from ‘Parks and Recreation’
reserve to ‘Urban’ zone.
The Shire of Augusta-Margaret River proposes to include two lots in a Rural Residential Area
with accompanying conditions in Schedule 7 to control subdivision and development.
Amendment 55 proposes to insert an ‘Additional Use Site No.10’ (AU 10) to the LPS 8 text (and modify the scheme map), with the Special Condition that Clause 6.3.1 (b) no development is permitted which would attract persons, other than those working in the adjacent strategic industrial area of the scheme does not apply to the AU10 area. The amendment is proposed to provide clarity to decision makers to enable consideration of future development within the amendment area without demonstrating an actual connection to the Maitland Strategic Industrial Area workforce at any one point in time. No additional uses for zoned land are proposed as part of this amendment.
Amendment 204 proposes to allow ‘Additional Use No. 22’ of ‘Storage’ and ‘Industry – mobile crushing plant’ at a portion of Lot 10 Temple Road, East Picton. The proposed additional uses are discretionary uses (‘D’) and are subject to conditions.
Amendment 72 proposes to rezone Lot 102 Moodjar Court, Karridale from ‘Priority Agriculture’
to ‘Future Development’ to facilitate residential subdivision and development. Inclusion of an
associated ‘Structure Plan Area 37’ table in Schedule 11 of the Local Planning Scheme is also
Amendment 187 proposes to allow ‘Additional Uses’ of ‘Medical Centre, Consulting Rooms and Health Studio’ in the ‘Rural’ Zone at Lot 5000 (No. 531) Eighty Road, Baldivis to facilitate further development of the Baldivis District Sports Complex. The amendment also proposes scheme text for the ‘Additional Uses’ for the primary street setback to be a minimum of 3m, and 10m to all other lot boundaries.