Local Planning Scheme 2 proposes scheme text modifications in accordance with the recommendations of the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The City of Albany proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with Local Planning Scheme
2 (LPS 2). The proposed LPS 2 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and
Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
Amendment 2 proposes scheme text modifications applicable to the consideration and approval of subdivisions under the Swan Valley Planning Scheme. The amendment includes the insertion of Clause 39A to provide for discretionary decisions by the Western Australian Planning Commission to approve subdivisions that are not fully compliant with an additional site and development requirements. The amendment also proposes modifications to Schedule 5, regarding subdivision succession provisions and application of minimum lot size requirements.
Amendment 202 proposes to rezone land from ‘Industrial Development’ to ‘General Industrial’ and
‘Service Industrial’, and ‘General Industrial’ to ‘Service Industrial’, along with the introduction of
‘Additional Uses’. Amendment 202 also proposes rezoning of land from the ‘Industrial Development’
zone to ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Public Use’, and from ‘Industrial Development’ to ‘Conservation’.
Scheme text amendments related to land use permissibility are also proposed.
Amendment 0068/57 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 61 Coalfields Road, Roelands from the ‘Rural’ zone to ‘Urban Deferred’ under the GBRS. This portion of land is proposed to be amalgamated with Lot 42 Government Road.
Amendment 21 proposes to rezone Lot 13129 from the ‘Rural’ zone and the ‘Public purposes’ reserve to the ‘Light Industry’ zone.
Amendment 12 proposes to insert supplemental provisions to Schedule 1 of the Scheme. The proposed provisions guide development approval requirements for trees within ‘Residential’ zoned areas with a density code of R20 or less and manage the removal and retention of trees on private land.
Amendment 1397/57 proposes to reclassify approximately 19.8 hectares of land along the Mangles Bay foreshore from the ‘Port Installations’ reserve to the ‘Public Purposes- Commonwealth Government’ and ‘Parks and Recreation’ reserves under the MRS.
Amendment 318 proposes to rezone various Lots at Pinjarra Road, Tonkin Drive, Walter Road, North Yunderup Road and Towera Road, North Yunderup to facilitate residential development. The amendment also proposes to insert provisions for structure plans and development contributions for the subject lands at Schedule 7 of the scheme text.
The Shire of Denmark proposes to move portion Lot 9008 Beaufortia Gardens, Hay, Shire of Denmark, from the Tourist (T9) zone and Parks and Recreation reserve to the Special Residential (SRes6) zone, to rezone Lots 193, 194, 195 & 196 Pimelea View & portion Lots 180, 181, 182 & 184 Beaufortia Gardens from the Tourist (T9) zone to the Special Residential (SRes6) zone, to move a portion of Reserve 52123 from the Tourist (T9) zone to the Parks and Recreation reserve and to delete Tourist Zone (T9) from Appendix XIII of the Scheme. The amendment also proposes modifications to the scheme text for Appendix XIV – Special Residential 6 Special Provisions.