Amendment 209 aims to rationalise the East Wanneroo Cell 1 (Tapping and Ashby) Agreed Local Structure Plan No.3 (ASP3) and the Ashby Neighbourhood Centre Agreed Local Structure Plan No.77 (ASP77) by transferring the zones and reserves of the structure plans into the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2.
Amendment 28 proposes to introduce an ‘Additional Use A28’ and amend scheme map over a portion of Lot 8021 Waterville Road, Neergabby for a hardstand to be constructed for the assembling of transportable buildings.
The amendment proposes to introduce a ‘Development’ zone over Lots 501, 502, 503, 504, 507 & 509 Limosa Close, Stirling to facilitate future residential development.
The amendment proposes to insert 'Telecommunications Infrastructure' as an
'Additional Use' in ‘Special Control Area No. 3; and amend the Scheme Map
accordingly, in the Vines golf course
The amendment proposes to modify the land use permissibility for a ‘Grouped Dwelling’ within the ‘Rural’ zone from a not-permitted (‘X’) use to a discretionary (‘D’) use. The amendment is to provide for additional residential accommodation on agricultural properties within the Shire.
The amendment proposes to rezone portions of Lot 881 (#239) Yilgarn Avenue, Malabaine from “Environmental Conservation” to “Light and Service Industry”; amend the Scheme Map and insert new scheme provision clause 4.38 and Table 4.
Amendment 74 proposes to rezone Lots 50 and 1456 Great Northern Highway, Muchea, from ‘Agricultural Resource’ zone to ‘General Industry’ zone. The Amendment area is 212 hectares and is located east of the townsite of Muchea within the Muchea Industrial Park.
Amendment 74 proposes to amend Schedule 11 – Muchea Employment Node Special Control Area by including provisions for Precinct 2A of the Muchea Industrial Park and introduce two non-industrial land uses, ‘Tavern’ and ‘Restaurant’, as ‘D’ (discretionary), within the amendment area, Precinct 2A.
MRS Amendment 1406/57 proposes to rezone Lot 30 Soldiers Road, Cardup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban’, and to amend the scheme map accordingly
Amendment 204 proposes to address the inconsistencies in Residential Density Coding (R-Codes) between District Planning Scheme 2 and the City’s East Wanneroo Cell 3 Agreed Structure Plan No. 5 by applying the R20 and R40 R-Coding over various residential and Pedestrian Accessway land parcels within the Agreed Structure Plan 5 area
Amendment 26 proposes to rezone Lot 60 from ‘Rural Residential’ to ‘Priority Agriculture’ zone; delete ‘Rural Residential Area 26’ from Schedule Two - Rural Residential Additional Requirements; Revoke Subdivision and Development Guide Plan approval; and amend the Scheme Map accordingly.